I think hair is another topic we should be talking about on top of skin colours. I want to wrap this up by thanking everyone in the community and especially CC creators who make representation possible despite the fact that no one should have to rely on custom content to be represented in a game like this! You may need to change some things to make it more personal, because I haven't had to look any farther than their games to find genetics that represent people who look like myself. Although I don't claim to be the best writer, I'll post my e-mail to them in the comments below if anyone wants to use it as a template. I just shot EA an email through their bug reporting/feedback page on their website to address this, and I urge anyone who feels that the lack of representation in skin-tones (and hair, lets be honest) needs to be addressed to do the same! The more people in the community that voice their grievance about this issue the better. I've seen much more talk about skin-tones recently with more people becoming aware of racial injustices throughout the world. But the sims community is one of the biggest and kindest communities I've had the privilege of being a part of. Not sure if I'm allowed to post this here.